Jenny Lake July 27-29th 2008.
Here are some pictures from a trip with the McCann's to Jenny Lake. We drove from Island Park to the lake early Sunday morning. We were lucky to get a great campsite. The tents only site fills up as early as 8:00 am every morning.
We had a lot of fun swimming, biking and hanging out by the campfire. Jon has decided that he is going to start swimming laps to be able to swim across the lake next year.
Owen found a chain to keep his bike safe. Owen was great at entertaining himself. He has a super imagination. Caroline also said that he was a super trooper and hiked about 5 miles on Tuesday.
Here is a picture of our camp. It was nice and shady all day long. Thanks to Jeff and Caroline for making a great choice.
This is a stump seat that we found down by the beach. It took three of us (Jon, Jeff and Gregory) doing a relay to get it back to camp. It make the perfect camp seat.
Hannah was a good sport the entire trip even though she was a little tired. At times she would run away crying. She especially loved the road. One time she ran away and laid down right in the middle of it.